Masterfoods Quality Control Assessment Masterfoods in a Essay

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Masterfoods Quality Control Assessment

Masterfoods in a retail food processing plant that relies on a combination of machinery and human operation of said machinery in order to individually package, encase and prepare foodstuffs for distribution. The system's efficiency and expediency are the top determinants of the quality of operations. Therefore, it is incumbent upon me as the quality control manager to ensure that both efficiency and expediency are reflected in the output of foodstuffs. The quality control test report below is a demonstration of how this process is undergone.

Project Part 1: Sampling Method

Part 1 provides a sampling method intended to serve as a basic representation of the process of quality control and color proportion analysis. Here, three 1.69oz bags of M&Ms are employed and counted to deliver some basic representative figures. Particularly, there are an average of 56.3 candies per bag, with a decided consistency in the count of each bag. By contrast, color proportions in the three bags are highly inconsistent.

Project Part 2: Method, Analysis, Results

Part 2 provides an expanded analysis with some of the figures accounted for in the first sampling expanded to include a 104 bag quality control test sample. Here, the number of candies in a bag and the number of each color represented by each bag are outlined for the entire test sample. The figures found here will serve as the bases for calculations made in subsequent tests, including the basic finding that in the sampled bags, there was an average of 11.7 blue candies, 11.3 orange candies, 11.

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0 green candies, 7.7 yellow candies, 7.3 red candies and 7.2 brown candies.

Project Part 3: Method, Analysis, Results

Part 3 tests the veracity of the claims that there are an average of 54 candies per bag and that there are an average of 24% blue candies in each bag. In order to confirm or refute this claim, the table here determines that 104 bags and the corresponding number of total candies and candies by individual color will require assessment in order to obtain a 95% confidence interval.

Project Part 4: Method, Analysis, Results

The Part 4 test would produce a failure by the terms of quality control, particularly with respect to the distribution of color in a standard 54 count bag of M&M candies. Based on extensive consumer testing, Masterfoods has determined the ideal proportion of individual M&M colors in the standard bag and requires that quality control demonstrate a compliance with this proportion with a significance level of .05 The quality control test requires that a bag be no further from the ideal proportion than a standard deviation of 1.5. Therefore, within these parameters, it is expected that there should be 24% blue candies, 20% orange candies, 16% green candies, 14% yellow candies, 13% red candies and 13% brown candies.

In the process of testing, it was shown that in 104….....

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