Marx & Hitler the Easiest Term Paper

Total Length: 586 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The country had been defeated in this war, it had lost all its colonies and many of its European lands, as well as being forced to pay a large sum of money to the winning allies. It could no longer have a navy or aircrafts and its army and number of soldiers, as well as armaments, was kept under strict supervision by the allied powers. Summarizing all this, in the period after the First World War and equivalent to the ascension of the Nazi Party, Germany was thoroughly defeated and, even more importantly, its national pride was put to great test. This may explain in part why a party that would promise to revive a great Germany that would take back its place among the world powers would gain popular support in the country.

On the other hand, the war, as well as the Depression that followed throughout the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, brought the country to its lowest economic level in a long time. The economy was virtually shattered, with high inflation and unemployment rates which mostly affected the workers in the country.
This is also a viable explanation why the Socialist component of the Nazi Party program would gain so many adepts and would allow them to win elections at the beginning of the 1930s.

It was thus that the Nazi Party came as a combination of nationalist hopes and socialist promises to gain supporters on both sides of the political spectrum, which led to their political success. In a period of political turmoil in Germany and social unrest, they appeared as the only stable solution that could pull the country out of the crisis, revive the economy and restore national….....

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