Martha Stewart Case Martha Stewart Term Paper

Total Length: 2080 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

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In the present times many government officials do the same feeding of celebrities and common people. Anyone can become a target for a prosecutor's conviction record. The war on drugs has come as a bonanza for such U.S. attorneys. It is easy to get a conviction on drug charges. The defendant need not have dealt drugs or even used them. Many defendants charged plead guilty to a lesser crime even when innocent or involve others even if there are not guilty just to get away. So what we know of such cases including that of Martha Stewart is what the government claims. Fiction could become fact by the leaking of 'truth' to the press, where some dutifully report these plants as facts. This is the reason that the Founding Fathers of the nation were determined that the federal government would have nothing to do in matters of business as they knew that these powers would finally be abused by the government officials as they could threaten fines and imprisonment. (What the Martha Stewart Case Means to You)

Thomas Jefferson looked forward to seeing America as an agrarian society. Yet he did not use his powers when he was in office to assist farmers at the expense of business interests.

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He believed that politicians must be bound by the restrictions put on them by the Constitution. Today it is a different matter as the guns of the government can be pointed at you to force us to conduct the way we live in the manner that the paragon of virtue George Bush wants us to live. It is no longer a matter of persuading anyone. Everything can be a criminal matter and anyone can be prosecuted and subjected to fines or imprisonment. The Martha Stewart guilty verdict is thus more than a matter of concern it is an outrage. (What the Martha Stewart Case Means to You)

Finally if Martha Stewart is indeed guilty, she can be guilty of the only guilty of the following crimes. Guilty of the crime of receiving poor legal advice and having incompetent lawyers to defend her and guilty of having being a celebrity, which made her a tempting target for zealous U.S. Attorneys, who have little knowledge of securities law and only want to make a name for themselves and guilty for being a woman aspiring to make it big. (Martha Stewart has been railroaded)......

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