Marshall Plan and Its Results Term Paper

Total Length: 2005 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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The military dictatorship simply favored specific economic interests, notably large tourist enterprises, urban real estate and construction, and shipowners. The basic weaknesses of the Greek economy, including social inequities and the lack of competitiveness in the country's new manufacturing sector, remained untreated. They would resurface in acute form with the world economic crisis of the early 1970s (Postwar Recovery ("

The initial reaction by Greek politicians was not to accept the aid by the United States as they believed it would make the United States hold to much power over the nation, but it was not long before the political powers realized if they did not take part in the plan they may find themselves at the mercy of communist advances so they accepted the plan and its benefits.


The Marshall Plan was a plan designed by George Marshall and was intended to help the devastated nations in Europe rebuild following World War II. Unfortunately Greece not only went through the World War but it immediately entered into a national Civil War and because of that the Marshall Plan was not a very effective tool for the nation in its infancy.

Once the Civil War ended however, America funneled millions of dollars into the national rebuilding program and Greece went on to have the most successful growth in gross national product of any other European nation for several years.

The Greek people were initially hesitant to accept the Marshall Plan aid as it was untrusting of the motives behind it. However, once the aid began coming in and the positive impact of that aid was witnessed the national attitude was grateful and happy to continue the participation in the plan......

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