Marketing Sony Case Study What Case Study

Total Length: 661 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Successful marketing strategies are done in order to create a desire for a product. A marketer needs to understand what the consumer likes and what they dislike. They must also know what information will convince consumers to buy their product, and whom and what consumers perceive as a credible sources of information. "Some marketing strategies use fictional characters, celebrities, or experts (such as doctors) to sell products, while other strategies use specific statements or "health claims" that state the benefits of using a particular product or eating a particular food" (Marketing Strategies 2008).

Sony needs to make sure that it has done a market analysis to make sure that they are producing the products that its customers want. They want to make sure that they are producing the right product for the right people.
Then they need to make sure that they create a need for that product by using good marketing techniques. They need to make sure that customers buy their products by understanding the customers' likes and dislikes. Sony has a very strong brand name within the market and they need to make sure that they capitalize on this. They need to use their brand name to the best of their ability. Sony has had a long reputation as being a successful company with good products. This is the idea on which they need to base their marketing plan on. Leveraging their brand name recognition will go a long way in them selling products today and in the future......

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