Marketing and Sales Business Functions. Term Paper

Total Length: 446 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

If the person feels cold because they have pneumonia, this symptom must be treated in a different fashion, by treating the ailment. If the patient suffers from chronic Type I diabetes and feels cold because their pancreas is manufacturing inadequate levels of insulin, the patient must be treated long-term with insulin therapy. The symptom may be the same, but the cause of the problem of all of these same problems is different, thus a symptom is something that manifests itself as an effect or external phenomenon, but is caused by something underlying in the form of a cause or problem.

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DQ4. How would you ethically research the solution to a strategic problem facing your organization using various research methodologies?

Surveys where the participants agree to volunteer their information, or observations where the participants know they are being observed by a sales or marketing team are ethical ways to determine why consumers find a product unattractive that may not be selling well. This is in contrast to observing consumers covertly in a store, or demanding they volunteer their time on a website to answer a survey to access their data on the company site, or for a dubious 'prize.


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