Marketing and Promotion Marketing Project Term Paper

Total Length: 1610 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Another method that the company can use in order to promote its products is represented by sampling. The company can offer free samples of its products in supermarkets, hypermarkets, and other locations frequented by numerous customers. This is good strategy intended to introduce the company's products to the potential customers in the UAE.

There are several issues that must be addressed when developing the company's marketing strategy for the UAE market. The most important aspects are represented by the cultural and language barriers between the UAE culture and the American culture. There are significant differences between the Arab habits and the American ones. These habits also refer to eating habits.

There are products and ingredients that the Arabs are not allowed to eat. Therefore, it is recommended that the company is careful in selecting the products that will be introduced on the UAE market.

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The company should use a UAE marketing company. This is because such a local company can provide suitable assistance to developing and implementing Campbell's marketing strategy.

The launching event is very important for the company's success on The event should organize a series of games, contests, and competitions for children. This is intended to attract children that will also bring their parents. This is the proper moment for Campbell's to present the advantages of the company's products. It is recommended that the company offers free samples of its products in order to convince buyers.

Reference list:

1. Strategies (2008). Campbell Soup Company. Retrieved October 9, 2010 from

2. Annual Report (2009). Campbell Soup Company. Retrieved October 9, 2010 from

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