Marketing International Market Discuss the Thesis

Total Length: 1578 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Norms: Every society has a set of norms, which often include the folkways, mores, taboos and rituals that exist within the culture.

Values: The values of a culture often refer to the things that are to be achieved or to the things that are considered of great worth or value.

Religion and Beliefs: The religion and the beliefs of the people in a civilization play an important role in shaping up of the culture of any society.

Social Collectives: Social collectives refer to the social groups, organizations, communities, institutions, classes, and societies, which are considered as symbolic social constructions within a culture.

Statuses and Roles: A status or a social role is a slot or position within a group or society that a person belongs to.

Cultural Integration: This refers to the degree of harmony or integration within the various elements of culture (What are the Elements of Culture, 2009).

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Reference List

American Keiretsu. (1998). Retrieved September 17, 2009, from Red Herring Web site:

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2009, from Web site:

Chapter 7: Market Entry Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2009, from FAO Web site:

Geert Hofstede ™ Cultural Dimensions. (2009). Retrieved September 17, 2009,from Itim

international Web site:

Gilligan, Colin and Hird, Martin. (1986). International Marketing: Strategy and Management.

Kent: Mackays of Chatham, Ltd.

Vousden, Neil. (1990). The Economics of Trade Protection. United Kingdom: Cambridge

What are the Elements of Culture. (2009). Retrieved September 17, 2009, from Web


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