Marketing Co-Branding Article Review

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Marketing Co-Branding

Roadmap of Co-branding Positions and Strategies, the Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 15, Num. 1, September 2009

The delicate balance of managing brand equity across multiple product lines and brands vs. attaining a unified global brand capable of serving as a scalable platform for future growth is explored in Roadmap of Co-branding Positions and Strategies (Chang, 2009). Illustrating how co-branding strategies need to be applied in the correct customer, product, messaging and service context, the author successfully shows how the organizational level of co-branding is just as important as the co-branding type of strategy implemented. Using the example of the HP-Compaq merger as the basis of how to implement enterprise-wide co-branding initiatives, the author shows how this strategy differs significantly from the cooperation-based co-branding of SONY and Ericsson and their many co-development projects in the mobile industry (Chang, 2009).
Contrasting these are the department-level coordination points across BenQ and Siemens, and the joint venture of Miller and Coors breweries (Chang, 2009). These examples are meant to show how co-branding can potentially be a diffusion and dissipation of corporate brand value if not executed in alignment to the integrated marketing and co-branding underlying strategies. The author defines four generic strategies, with ample disclaimer that there are a myriad more, citing market penetration, brand reinforcement, global brand and brand extension strategies as the four foundational ones that co-branding are the most complimentary to (Chang, 2009). The author and researcher concludes that the nuanced use of co-branding is far from scientific and needs to be….....

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