Marketing Activities Will Need to Term Paper

Total Length: 786 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Another useful marketing activity for the Windows Vista can be a newsletter to interested users who will sign to receive it on the company's main website. As we have seen, the Microsoft products are generally used by people in their midlife or over 55 years and they are generally those for whom adaptation to change is more difficult. For them, because of this difficulty to manage change, information is important and a newsletter can not only provide this on a day-to-day or weekly basis, but also be a way of keeping in touch with the consumers.

The newsletter can contain everything from information on the product to updates and how to download and install them and to tips for getting the best from the operating system. The consumers can provide their personal emails on the website in order to receive the newsletter, so as to avoid any supposition of spam or illegal use of the customers' email. The newsletter can also be advertised on both the company website and the Vista website as an excellent way to obtain more information on the new product.

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Finally, an efficient marketing activity for the new product would be live demonstrations either in Microsoft stores, or in specialized fairs and technological exhibits or even online. These online demonstrations of the product would provide great advantages. The most important of these is the fact that they would allow the core targeted group of consumers to test the functionality of the new product and to be convinced that it is actually easier to use, providing faster access to data on the computer and allowing the user to do his work more efficiently. These demonstrations will encourage a closer connection with the product even before it is launched.

As we can see, all the proposed marketing activities that have been described have a common denominator: the need of being able to deploy the information with the targeted groups of consumers and to assure that the message that Vista is much more secure and reliable, with increased functionality, than the Windows XP,….....

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