Market Segmenting and Targeting: Martha Term Paper

Total Length: 727 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Creating a homey, comfortable, and beautiful environment is likely to be important for the consumer, as much of the products of the company stress simplicity and elegance, yet adding something a bit extra to everyday life, through the use of homemade crafts, making food from scratch, or added amenities to the home. These are women who are concerned as to what other women think of them, and think of their childrearing and homemaking skills.

What segments are the ideal targets of the market?

Marketers estimate that although women slightly more than 50% of the population, they women "buy or influence an average of 85% of everything that is sold in the United States," and that number is even higher for food, household items and home improvement items (Clark, 2007) Women are ideal marketing targets because they have "huge appetite to communicate" and often recommend products to their friends, and use products, in part, to convey their identity, such as being a caring and effective homemaker (Clark, 2007).

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Martha Stewart's outreach spans wide in its size of market, comprising lower-middle class women wishing to use crafts to give their homes an added sense of amenity, as well as more wealthy consumers, although she does not specifically stress the value added nature of her brand, even of her K-Mart line. Women are also quite receptive to marketing with a personal touch as is conveyed through the use of Martha's show, deploying technology to generate brand receptiveness and loyalty. Even as time grows more scarce for working women, Martha's stress upon the ability to make fast and easy meals that still convey the gracious living image might suggest that younger, professional women with children who still want to cook healthy meals and generate good family memories around the table might be an ideal demographic to target for future campaigns, particularly given this audience's additional disposable income.


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