Market Research-Apple IPod Usage, Attitude Thesis

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In addition to consumption habits, the questionnaire will also focus on purchase habits between these two groups. Lastly, the questionnaire will tackle respondents' attitudes and perceptions about digital entertainment, iPod product line, and Apple Inc. As an American multinational company and consumer electronics manufacturer.

As mentioned earlier, the qualitative exploratory design will make use of the focus group discussion (FGD) method to generate information on the preferences of two groups, users and non-users of portable media player, of concepts on packages / bundles that will be offered for every purchase of a particular product in the iPod product line.

Target Respondents/Sampling Scheme

Target respondents for the UAI and FGDs are made up of two main groups: users and non-users of portable media players. Targeted sample size must not be less, but can be more than N=400.

The users group are males/females, 15-55 years old distributed proportionately across socio-economic classes. The users group must own a portable media player of any type or brand, and must have used this player in the past weeks (or past 7 days). In addition to using a portable media player, the users must have listed, watched, and/or downloaded digital entertainment, also in the past week. Lastly, they must be active decision-makers in choosing and buying portable media players and digital entertainment.

Non-users, meanwhile, will have the same demographic profile as the users group -- males/females, 15-55 years old, and proportionately distributed across socio-economic classes. Although they have not used portable media players and have not downloaded digital entertainment, they must be non-rejectors of these technologies.

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An attitude scale will be used to determine the level of receptiveness of non-users to these kinds of technology.

Variables & Measures; Concepts & Indicators

The UAI study will look into the following variables, capturing the information needs of Apple Inc. To best address the needs of consumers in portable media players and digital media entertainment: awareness of portable media player brands, usage of media players aware of, consumption of digital media entertainment, usage of other gadgets similar and related to portable media players, and attitudes and perceptions toward digital media entertainment, portable media players, and Apple Inc.

Concepts that will be used for the FGDs are different package/bundle combinations that will be offered to buyers of iPod products. The discussants who will be joining the FGDs will determine which package or bundle for each iPod product they prefer the most and they find most attractive and most compelling to buy for users and non-users.

Data Analysis

The UAI study will utilize both bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques to provide general descriptions on the usage, purchase, and media habits of users and non-users of portable media players. Findings from the FGDs will be analyzed using matrices, illustrating which package/bundle per iPod product is most preferred, attractive, and compelling to buy for the two groups (users and non-users)......

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"Market Research-Apple IPod Usage Attitude", 25 January 2009, Accessed.29 June. 2024,