Market Potential of Mass Customized Interview

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As noted, we have at least one student, one retiree, one manager, one housewife, and one entry level employee.

We will also assume that in the prescreening we were able to capture demographic data (age, gender, race, income, lifestyle, etc.).

Questions for Focus Group (Note, subheadings are potential probes based on responses):

1. Do any of you shop online for clothing?

a. How often? Reasons?

b. Perceptions of Quality, convenience, etc.

c. Approximate amount spent on online clothing purchases per annum?

d. Desire to continue?

2. Now, thinking about clothing, let's turn to purchases of shoes? Do you ever shop online for your shoe purchases?

a. Why or why not?

b. Reasons?

c. Concerned with "fit"

d. How do most shoe retailers in your experience handle returns?

e. Approximate amount spent on online shoe purchases per annum?

f. Desire to continue?

3. Are you familiar with the term "mass customized footwear"?

a. What does that term mean to you?


4. Would "mass customized footwear" be attractive to you?


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Why or why not?

b. Do you like the idea of handpicking colors, laces, styles, etc.

c. How concerned are you about size?

d. What could be done to alleviate that concern?

e. If the item is customized, what about returns?

5. How important do you think technology would be on a site that sells customized footwear?

a. For instance, virtual ways to try on products

b. Virtual ways to envision product

6. How long would you expect it to take to receive your product?

a. Would that influence your purchase?

7. What are some overall concerns you might have about this product?

a. Elaborate concerns

b. Ask about solutions to those concerns

c. Ask about how likely to use, probe reasons


Edmunds, H. (2008). Focus Group Principles. American Marketing Association.

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