Market Potential Essay

Total Length: 992 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Market Potential Index

There are eight indicators on the market potential index: market size, market intensity, growth rate, consumption capacity, commercial infrastructure, receptivity, economic freedom and country risk.

The market size is the largest weight. The measures used are urban population and electricity consumption, I guess as proxies for the number of people who have at least the possibility of having money.

Market intensity is based on the gross national income per capita and private consumption as % of GDP, measures that reflect the wealth of the country and presumably telling something about purchasing power.

Growth rate is based on the growth rate in energy use and the real GDP growth rate, looking at how fast the market is growing.

The consumption capacity is measured with consumer expenditure and income share of middle class. This is similar to market intensity, but with a focus on consumers and the middle class, trying to isolate the market for consumer goods beyond industry and the wealthy.

There are several measures to go into commercial infrastructure. These include mobile subscribers, households with Internet access, main telephone lines, # of PCs, paved road density, population per retail outlet, and % of households with a color TV. The category is mostly misnamed -- this is consumer infrastructure. Commercial infrastructure would be about ports, railways and things like that. The use of landlines in this measure is a bit archaic, as most countries stopped even attempting to build those once mobile began to dominate.

Economic freedom is based on the Economic Freedom Index and the Political Freedom Index. So this category is misnamed as well, because it is named after one of the two components. It should be called the Freedom Index. Those two components are not the same at all -- China has good economic freedom but zero political freedom.

Market receptivity is based on per capita imports from the U.S. And trade as a % of GDP. This is a funny measure -- you do want to know how receptive a market is, but using the imports from the U.S. figure as a proxy for that makes the index U.S.-centric, ergo worthless for the rest of the world. Not sure why the researcher developing this would want to specifically invalidate their own index in such a way when it could have been universal. Odd choice of metrics -- the trade as % of GDP is a good starting point and they should have found another trade measure like something based on tariff data that the WTO publishes.

Country risk is comprised of three rankings -- business risk, country risk, and political risk. These are specific rankings compiled by other bodies, which is why they might seem a bit redundant, but getting different opinions on the matter is a good idea. Though it delivers funny results like Hong Kong having….....

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