Market Entry Strategy International Business Management Advisor Term Paper

Total Length: 3805 words ( 13 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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1 IntroductionThe dehumanization and marginalization of the Black people continue within institutions in the United States. Owing to racially driven policies together with the stratification of social circumstances, the Black community is precluded from attaining institutional backing necessitated for collective achievement (Wali-Ali, 2019). For many, it is deemed that the educational achievement gap is a fundamental social justice problem.Madyun (2011) indicates that the education attained by the average Black student during graduation day is akin to what an average White student attained while in the eighth grade. One of the fundamental ways to facilitate a resolution of this particular social issue might start by dealing with one of the more contentious problems in the history of the United States, which is reparations. Imperatively, reparations imply going above and beyond the social structures that enable institutional racism. This paper seeks to conduct a comprehensive analysis of reparation reforms in anti-racism and anti-oppression.The Educational Attainment Gap for Black ChildrenIn contradiction to discriminatory language accrediting Black underachievement to an absence of intellectual competence, the reality is that it is produced, in some measure, by the historical impediment of Black intergenerational affluence. Along with segregationist guidelines that restore underprivileged communities, numerous Black kids are enforced into lower socioeconomic standings that match the issues that influence their academic achievement (Wali-Ali, 2019).A research study conducted by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the inequalities in the public education rendered from kindergarten until grade 12 are outcomes of racial biases. Unlike their white counterparts, solely 57 percent of Black students gain accessibility to a complete variety of courses in science and mathematics essential for preparing them for entering colleges. This is considerably low attainment contrasted against the 71 percent and 81 percent of white and Asian American students, respectively, who gain significantly greater educational accessibility. Furthermore, Black students are given teachers and instructors with fewer qualifications within their schooling districts (UNCF, 2022).On top of this inequality, there is apparent disproportionality regarding how Black students experience disciplinary measures and actions. According to a report undertaken by Gordon (2018), African American students constitute 16 percent of admission but make 40 percent of the number of suspensions handed out nationally.As a result of racial prejudices of the administration teams in the academic institutions, which do not mirror the diverse populace of students, it is perceptible that Black students are incessantly targeted as a basis for mishandling and retribution. These apparent differences in the way students are reprimanded are a key contributing factor to negative outcomes and associations to the path of schooling to prison. The policies put in position for zero tolerance permeate into their day-to-day life, which causes them to be susceptible to being victimized by a system of white supremacy (Gordon, 2018).

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2 Historical Perspectives of Reparations in the United StatesImperatively, reparations, delineated as a compensation system for appalling injustices, are not new to the United States. Throughout history, native Americans were repaid with land and billions of dollars for different programs and paybacks due to being exiled under duress from their native lands and regions. In the case of Japanese Americans, almost $2 billion was repaid to the incarcerated and held captive in the Second World War. Moreover, Jews were handed out reparations due to the egregious injustices they faced during the Holocaust and undertook different investments over time (Ray and Perry, 2020).Wretchedly, it can be noted that it is solely Black Americans who are yet to obtain reparations for racial prejudices that the State-sanctioned. In contrast, Black slavery facilitated white households to amass significant wealth. It is also important to remember that the slavery they endured was…

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…their fundamental civil rights and liberties in the nation (Wali-Ali, 2019).A great deal of these factors that contribute to the educational disparities for Black students can be resolved through the implementation of reparations. Importantly, these reparations will be a systematic reformation of how the American government treats Black Americans, as it authenticates and justifies their experiences and enthusiastically works to fix them. Reparations will guarantee that Black youth can be handed prospects that assure their success (Wali-Ali, 2019).5 ConclusionTaking into consideration the persistent heritage of slavery on the racial wealth gap, the financial value we recognize that was positioned on enslaved Blacks, the actuality that other community groups have been given reparations and the reality that Blacks were initially bestowed reparations only to have them withdrawn deliver devastating indication that it is time to pay reparations to the progenies of enslaved Blacks.Black Americans will be unable to attain real economic justice until the K-12 leaders in the United States completely challenge and make up for racial history in the nation’s public education system. Significantly, this procedure of resolution and reparations is imperative for comprehending present-day K-12 racial inequalities, reconstructing trust, and reforming an institution that continues to make Black students endure under-education and subjugation.6.....

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