Mardi Gras Parade Nothing I Term Paper

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The music was so intoxicating that it was impossible to stand still or to even walk without a rhythmic gait.

The food smells were equally overpowering. Not only had all the local markets, bars and restaurants opened their doors and set tables and chairs in front, but hundreds of people were cooking on the streets as well. Barbecue grills sizzled with chicken, ribs, sausages, and pots of boiled crawfish, corn-on- the-cob, red beans and rice, gumbos, and zatarans of various flavors. Even if one had eaten a full-course meal before arriving, it would have been impossible not to indulge and sample as many selections of tastes as your wallet or stomach could tolerate.

Late afternoon, the Endymion parade began its long route to town, through the French Quarter and that would eventually end at the Superdome, where the Endymion Ball would take place. To see these parades on television is one thing, but to see them in person is something else. There were at least twenty to thirty marching bands from high schools and colleges across the country, as well as military bands. All were dressed in full regatta, and each equal in pomp and stance. The floats, however, were spectacular!

There were at least forty-fifty floats. Some were several stories high, so high in fact that many of the beads they threw landed in the trees and hung on the branches, glistening in the afternoon sun like Christmas decorations. The royalty and court costumes were incredibly elaborate, sparkling satins and sequins.
The krewes were dressed in oriental-cut pants and shirts of every color imaginable, blue, red, purple, gold, black, green, silver, yellow and white. It was indeed an impressive sight.

The krewes throw literally millions of beads, plastic Endymion cups, coins, miniature footballs, plastic swords, rubber chickens, Moon Pies, and even bikini underwear and condoms. Apparently there is status involved regarding the 'throws.' The krewes throw the longer beads or even bundles of beads to selected on-lookers, usually attractive females or those who raise their shirts to show their breasts, and there were plenty of bare breasts shown. In fact, 'show your tits' echoed all along the parade route. If one finds breasts and drunkards offensive, then a Mardi Gras parade should be avoided.

The Endymion parade lasted approximately two hours and as the crowds began to thin a bit, we found a taxi to take us to the Quarter to watch parties on the balconies toss beads and trinkets to the throngs of people below. From there we walked over to Cafe Du Monde on Decatur. No visit to New Orleans is complete without a stop at Cafe Du Monde for coffee and beignets. There we rested our feet and admired our collection of 'throws' that draped our necks and bulged from the plastic bags we carried. It had been an unforgettable experience and one that I will always remember with a smile......

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