Management and Leadership Similarities and Differences Essay

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Similarities and Differences between Leadership and Management

The scenario described in the question indicates that Roger plays a manager’s part whereas Linda plays a leader’s part. The former’s responsibility in the firm is performing the following four vital management functions, namely: planning, leading, organization, and control (Stewart, 2012). A majority of managers are usually leaders as well; however, they need to satisfactorily perform management’s leadership responsibilities, including communication, personnel encouragement, motivation, support and inspiration for rising to more superior productivity levels (Laschinger 2013).

Managerial responsibilities normally form a formal component of job descriptions, with juniors following due to the profession’s designation or title. The main focus of managers is fulfilling corporate aims and targets, usually without considering other things (Tangirala & Ramanujam 2012). A manager is accountable for both his/her own actions and those of the individuals working under his/her wing, as demonstrated in Roger’s case (Roger controls and is answerable for subordinate actions as well). The title of manager also brings with it the privilege and authority of promotion, hiring, dismissal, disciplining, or rewarding the workforce on the basis of their behaviors and performance (Bolman & Deal 2017).

The key distinction between leadership and management is: the former does not necessarily have a managerial post in the company. Or, in simpler words, leaders don’t need to be authority figures within the firm; anybody can play the role of leader (Cole 2013).

Contrary to managers, subordinates look up to and follow leaders owing to their beliefs, personality, and behavior.

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Leaders are personally invested in organizational projects and activities and demonstrate considerable passion for their work. They are seriously interested in helping their followers succeed and adequately accomplish their personal goals (which will not necessarily be corporate goals) (Choudhary 2013).

Furthermore, leaders do not invariably have formal or tangible authority over their followers. They enjoy temporary, potentially conditional, power on the basis of their ability to constantly motivate and encourage followers (Tangirala & Ramanujam 2012).

Leaders innovate or invent whereas managers organize

A team leader is usually responsible for the creation of novel ideas and initiating forward progression and change in a company. Linda, for instance, proposes the novel idea of cellphone software development. Leaders always have their eyes fixed on the horizon, and devise novel organizational strategies and techniques (Stewart, 2012). They possess superior, up-to-date knowledge on all current trends, skill sets and advancements, in addition to a clear vision and mission. For instance, Linda is well aware of rival companies’ market offering.

On the other hand, managers tend to simply maintain whatever has already been established. Managers must keep a close eye on the bottom line whilst simultaneously averting chaos and controlling the organizational workflow and workforce (Laschinger 2013).

Managers rely on control while leaders….....

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