Management of Change in an Organization Research Paper

Total Length: 599 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Senior leaders assess their company’s readiness for change using various tools and techniques. Change readiness refers to two main factors: member commitment and perceived efficacy (Weiner, 2009). Both commitment and efficacy suggest that a unified vision for change is required for effective organizational change. Whether it is stimulated by internal or external factors, member commitment to and belief in organizational change is critical.

The factors used to determine if change is needed in a given organization include regular, systematic, ongoing assessments of internal and external factors. The need for change can be sparked by external threats like encroaching competition or shifting consumer trends. Entering a new market might initiate a change strategy in the organization, too. Other internal factors that can determine whether change is needed include raw data from performance reports. Once the need for change has been determined, senior leaders need to shift their attention to the vision for change. The vision for change includes identifying and articulating what kind of change is going to be most effective for meeting organizational goals, while preserving the core mission and vision of the company. Change strategies will be based on everything from budgetary constraints to marketing and PR needs.

To determine if an organization is structurally ready to support change, senior leaders can perform internal and external assessments.

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Successful organizational change requires resilience as well as positive attitudes towards change. As Weiner (2009) points out, organizational change requires specific psychological states shared among all members of the organization. Whereas senior management needs to embody the psychological characteristics of change readiness, junior managers and subordinates also need to be committed to change, ready for change, and dedicated to promoting successful change.

Attitudes toward change in the organization may therefore be the most critical element to change success. Research shows that the companies “most likely to be successful in making change work to their advantage are the ones that no longer view change as a discrete event to be managed, but as a constant opportunity to evolve the business,” (Musselwhite & Plouffe, 2010, p. 1). Moreover, organizations that have cultures conducive to change are learning organizations. Learning organizations are highly adaptable and amenable to change, and demonstrate low resistance to change. The means by which leaders can inspire readiness for and willingness to change include empowering employees with information. Rather than keeping members of the organization in the dark,….....

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