Man on the Moon Actually Term Paper

Total Length: 787 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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In fact, Piaget also identified empathy as part of the development process. Empathy "is more than the recognition of someone else's feelings, but rather a deeper understanding. Thus, empathetic reactions allow people to recognize that something is different from what is already familiar or acceptable to them, yet not be prejudiced by its unfamiliarity." (Piaget)

James Banks incorporates all of these theories and many more into his belief that it is important in education to teach children how to think, rather than teaching them what to think.

By teaching children to understand all things and to be active in creating their own interpretations of past and current events. By helping students become critical thinkers, they will have the foundation to build a better society. James Banks' concept of the Canon Debate identifies a major problem with schools. Western traditionalists believe that the history, culture, and literature of the Western civilization are in danger of being neglected because of the efforts of minorities, feminists, and multicultural reform groups.
However, other groups believe that focusing on only one culture in education will overshadow the important contributions of other cultures, and alienate students in the classroom that belong to minority groups. (Banks)

At this time, American schools are more diverse linguistically and culturally than any other time in recent decades. About one-third of all children in the public schools are from ethnic or racial minority groups. Twenty percent of the students in schools today are from homes where English is not the primary language spoken, and over 100 languages are spoken in the United States alone. (McLaughlin and McLeod) Diversity is a reality in this society, whether or not certain people want to acknowledge it. Teachers must be prepared with multicultural knowledge and training so that they can treat all students with respect and understanding, as well as teaching them how to best function in a multicultural society......

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