Male and Female Students Use Term Paper

Total Length: 561 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

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Her evaluation is certainly effective, in that it points out the underlying structure of eyewitness news and shows us how it is more entertainment, rather than information.

All's Not Well in the Land of the Lion King

Lazarus feels that the Disney film the Lion King does harm to children by reinforcing common cultural stereotypes of gays and African-Americans.

Lazarus's essay is persuasive in the examples she gives. But she could have been more elaborate in providing evidence as to how these stereotypes affect the developing minds of children.

Death and Justice

In this essay, Koch explains his defense of capital punishment by considering the arguments against capital punishment. This is a clever means of elucidating a clear, lucid, logical stance, which Koch manages to do within the course of the essay.

The problem with Koch's essay is that he neglects to address the real reasons why the Untied States has such a high murder rate. Were he to focus his analytical powers on removing the factors that cause crime, then he would be able to see why capital punishment is an ineffective means of solving this social problem.

Walter Lippmann's quote

In order for true debate to occur, there must be some opposition. Without this opposition, there is no democracy - there is only fascism, which is the acknowledged supremacy of one voice above all others.

A good speaker is one who takes into consideration not just one opposing argument - but several. It shows that the speaker has engaged with the idea he is arguing from many different perspectives, and, having responded to each of those perspectives, feels confident that the opinion he is offering is the correct….....

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