Mafia the Film Goodfellas (1990) Essay

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(Paoli, 2003, p. 4)

The mafia itself cannot be discussed without at least some history, as the film depicts the waning of the system, and not its hey day.

Initially, the American Maria was a prominent supplier of bootlegged liquor. That required good connections with the local police department and political machines. Paying off the local beat cop provided a speakeasy, with its conspicuous and regular flow of traffic, little effective protection. Instead, it was necessary to guard against any cop who might be on that beat; the efficient solution was buying the whole department, if it was for sale. In many cities it was. (Reuter, 1995, p. 89)

The mafia became large and respected as a result of prohibition and many would argue that once alcohol was re-legalized in the U.S. The mafia lost its cash cow and began to devolve. The mafia altered its source of income by providing illegal services, money laundering, white collar crime, illegal gambling and other illegal services after the close of the bootlegging trend. Once this occurred the mafia needed to develop extensive roles and front men and this largely began its decline as the trail of activities was far more traceable and most importantly far less profitable. Bootlegging was also relatively well tolerated in many places as a result of the fact that alcohol was a desired commodity among almost every class and providing it was glamorized and supported by a thirsty public. The reason other games were less profitable is because they held less public need and required far more men to support. (Reuter, 1995, p. 89) Another declining factor was the development of the drug trade, though as the film expresses the old guard was reluctant to delve into the hated drug game, far less tolerated by the legal system than liquor procurement it was the most logical next step in the development of mafia activities.

The leaders may be decisive, they may be shrewd at determining when to use force, but they are not strategic in their thinking. Colombian drug distributors are less sophisticated than suggested by highly stylized accounts, such as novelist Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger, but they do seem to have acquired a few contemporary business practices, particularly with respect to financial services. The American Mafia languishes in suspicion of such sophistication, with nary a computer in sight. (Reuter, 1995, p. 89)

Reuter also notes that the mafia has devolved as less respect is paid to them and their hierarchy and as gangs (often unpopular and exceedingly violent have replaced the mafia on the streets. There is even a strong sense that gangs are the underlings of some mafias and the public is much less tolerant of the activities they engage in, as they do not follow the same ethical standards and innocents are often targeted or killed in crossfire of their brutal activities. (Reuter, 1995, p. 89)

The future of the mafia in the U.S. is likely limited, as the old guard has all but died off, been replaced by those with little respect or softened to the point that they are no longer involved in the activities that feed the system. (Reuter, 1995, p. 89) the Italian Mafia has largely been replaced by the Russian Mafia, ethnic and regional gangs and some influx of Asian Mafia organizations. Ther is far more recordkeeping involved in the kids of games the Mafia historically engaged in and the enforcement of laws and punishments for crimes are greater and more accepted than the mafia itself by authorities and the public......

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