Machiavellis, The Prince Essay

Total Length: 1599 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The hierarchy of politics in ancient times was clearly defined. Kings rules many kingdoms thus they were heads of the various kingdoms. Their sons inherited the thrones since the system was patriarchal. The women were to be princesses, but the sons took the throne and continued their duties as kings and princes. Machiavelli used his scholarly tricks to bring out the philosophy of the renaissance in that century. It is important to note that scholars and kings occupied the top echelons of the social class, and were charged mainly with major decision making responsibilities. This is as a result of the revelation and adoption of various classical works. The renaissance included the adoption of works from the Greek philosophers’ school of thought, philosophical theories on humanity and commercial revolution towards adoption of modern states. Machiavelli was an interesting character since he ensured that his theories were sold in various quarters and highlighted the society as it is, describing princes as the de facto power rulers who held the society together. According to Bush & Randall (2015) some of the characteristics of the prince in connection with renaissance, are highlighted in this text and in a philosophical context, we will analyze all of them.

What characteristics of the Renaissance are often regarded as setting it apart from the middle Ages?

The renaissance was a revolutionary age according to Tirillis & Demitris (2015), since new schools of thought were adopted. Most Greek philosophers were alive during this era and they ensured that the view of the world on their philosophical thought and economics changed. Religion was a major part of the renaissance since thinking was altered when it came to religion. Most medieval scholars visualized an ideal world that was supposed to be, but in the renaissance age, the thinking leaned towards a real world where the thoughts and philosophies were more refined. Most people embraced religion with the pope at the helm of the religious society. He was believed to be a direct connection to God, and that he was the chosen representative on earth. Evidence of this includes the Vatican, which is considered the holiest city with world’s secrets. The “original bible” is said to reside in a safe inside the Vatican. The papacy is a sacred seat, and highly coveted among religious circles, but still held in high regard, since it is a unifying factor for the church.
The church which formed an important part of the society in the renaissance age.

The kingship was another phenomenon swept out and brought in a new political system whereby an economic angle was explored. The need to get the economies going was a rush. Many industries came into being from textile, to trade and agrarian revolution and most kingdoms needed a system to help them keep track of finances, have capable warriors and a stable political condition to encourage trade. Real governments were formed with a presidential system put into place. There was one ruler in every federal state to ensure…

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…ability to rule. It was important for him to get the taxes up, combine forces with the papacy and be able to defend his territory for his own benefit. Machiavelli analyses the philosophy behind the politics and shows how the pope, together with Pontius used their power to rule over people, a phenomenon not liked by many since they were cunning and mean to people, their friends and enemies.

In summary, the medieval times were marred with violence, plagues and other atrocities that could not be accounted for. In his own words, Machiavelli saw the essence of an organized society with a hierarchy in terms of leadership. The government was a construct to bring order in society in terms of political direction, service delivery to the poor and an enabling environment to so business in. the government system achieved all this in the renaissance since there was reprieve to see systems work for the betterment of the people. The new age was welcomed with trade and commerce, government, parliamentary systems and overall organized societies that wanted progress. The religion was an aspect of society used to give credence to leaders, consult on issues of faith and also war. The society was organized in social strata that separated the medieval times from middle ages. The upper echelons of power were the rich merchants, business men and traders. In the lower echelons were the middle class and the poor. Society was in urban and rural setup since most trade occurred in the urban set up….....

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