Macbook Air My Ideal PC Thesis

Total Length: 1156 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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In addition to the sporadic quality levels of these laptops, doing through the build-to-order configuration process at each of the manufacturers' Acer, Apple, Dell, Gateway, HP, Lenovo and retailers' websites brought out the fact that upgrades to graphics and sound editing cards would also be critical for my ideal system configuration to work. In addition to all these factors, there were updat4es, patches and in the case of those systems sold with Microsoft XP Professional Home Edition, Service Pack Updates that would need to be carefully installed and tested with the audio and video editing applications of interest. When the Apple MacBook Air was included in the analysis it was evident that these capabilities of audio and video editing and multi-streaming were in the baseline utilities that are part of the Macintosh OS X operating system (Cohen, Dalrymple, Michaels, 2008). In addition the costs of increasing SCSI and ATA-based disk access speeds also put many of the Microsoft Windows or Vista-based systems out of my price range. There was also the option of selecting an open source operation system, Linux, with the Dell systems, yet this saved just $300 off the price yet did not significantly increase system performance overall. As the research was completed it was clear that getting the disk performance critical for the applications of interest would cost significantly more that my budget allowed. The tight integration of editing software to the operating system, speed of the 128GB solid-state drive on the MacBook Pro-as tested by MacWorld (Cohen, Dalrymple, Michaels, 2008) and the designed in Internet connectivity all made the system more suited for my specific needs.

Most Important Feature

As this research was completed, it became increasingly apparent that how integrated the operating system and audio, video and streaming applications are is critical to overall performance for the applications I am most interested in using the PC for. The most important feature is the ability of the operating system to manage multiple high priority tasks and not lose track of any of them. Second, there is the need for managing frequent disk writes of edited audio and video content, as I plan on making short animated video clips and eventually doing live streaming via Qik and from a camera phone. The integration of all these factors together solidified the MacBook Air is the best possible system for my unique needs.


Based on a thorough analysis of all laptops and PCs it became very apparent that to the extent a company can tightly integrate their operating system to the performance of applications is the extent to which they can actually accomplish multi-threading and simultaneous operating of several different tasks and applications. This is a critical aspect of doing audio and video editing on any system, and the stability of both operating systems and applications is crucial for their overall performance. The best possible system for what I am trying to accomplish is the Apple MacBook Air......

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