Los Angeles Riots of 1965 Thesis

Total Length: 1680 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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In the end, more than 30 people were killed and most of them were African-Americans. The damage done to property was estimated to be close to $40 million. There can be no doubt that the riots brought attention to problems that had been stirring beneath the surface but Lowery maintains that many of the problems that caused the feelings of anger within the community still persisted.

The Los Angeles riots of 1965 were historical in that they marked the end of an era and the beginning of another one. In once sense, they were bringing a close to the chapter of African-American heritage that involved prejudice and oppression. The neighborhood of Watts represented the epitome of everything that African-Americans wanted to overcome. The arrest of one man fueled the flames of an underlying tension that grew from persistent neglect.
In another sense, the riots were bringing to light a stronger, more aggressive voice from within the African-American community. Hidden beneath the success of surrounding areas, the lack of sustenance oozed from Watts and the riots were an outward expression of the destruction that was causing the community to deteriorate. While the result of the riots cost lives and many of them lived within the community it self, the riots spoke about a segment of society that had too long been overlooked. Watts was not singular in its experience and the negative impact of the riots should not outweigh the positive result of opening a nation's eyes to the oppression that still lurked within the communities.


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