Loft in Space Mini Case Essay

Total Length: 473 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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What solutions would you suggest for his three problems?

As the product liability for these lofts is very significant given their attachment to student's bunks, it's understandable why a $1M insurance policy is needed. it's also understandable why the university wants production off-campus and that their phone and e-mail systems not be used. Micheal Cain should approach his parents and ask to use their garage for production and also set up a Google or Yahoo e-mail account for the business, as they are free. He can use his cell phone number or get another cell phone just for the business. On the issue of insurance, this needs to be countersigned by his parents or an adult with financial collateral.
In addition to the insurance, Micheal Cain should speak with the structural and mechanical engineering departments to test the loft to ensure it is safe and also to have it stress-tested for a specific amount of weight to be placed on it. This would give him an upper weight limit to mention in his literature and also serve to limit his legal liability through the use of an express warranty. By resolving all these problems off-campus it also frees up Micheal to sell to other local colleges and universities and take advantage of potentially better logistics than would have been available on campus alone......

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