Literature Review and Public Research Paper

Total Length: 981 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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New IT Infrastructure at the FBI

There appear to be room for improvement in the current situation at the FBI. The results of the research indicated a number of potential areas of improvement, these concern the tangible and the intangible aspects of the department. The initial research clearly indicated the department was stretched, with a number of tensions in the way budgets were allocated and used. There can be little doubt the FBI will be under constant pressure to ensure their systems remain up to date in order to undertake its task, which support millions of Americans. With the problems associated with the bureaucratic procedures, there are a number of dangers faced in the FBI, including the mismatch between the budget needs and the timing of the allocation and receipt of funds. The current system is aging, therefore, the solution suggested has been the development of a new, state of the art infrastructure, which will allow the division to operate efficiently, and avoid the issues which are inherently linked with the problems seen in the old incumbent infrastructure.

The literature review clearly indicated there was a significant level of inefficiency in terms of both funding and procurement, which is also resulting in the IT contracts not always obtaining the best value for money through a failure to manage acquired features, as currently as many as 45% of IT features are not being used.

The research outcomes were highly aligned with the results and issues which were indicated as present in the literature review.
The findings support the need for a new state of the art infrastructure to be developed, seen with the primary research findings which clearly indicate a degree of fragmentation and numerous data marts and different project silos, a problem which also increased reliance on specific skills and personnel sets which could be increasingly difficult to access. Overall, the results demonstrated a lack of integration between the different systems, projects and functions. The ongoing nature of these issues were not only creating problems, but maybe argued is likely to predict future problems, where the existing issues will become further exacerbated.

The recommendation to implement a brand-new up-to-date data infrastructure may have some sort term costs which exceed existing budget forecast. However, when considering any investment it is necessary to consider the entire impact, not only the short-term impact, often considered through strategies such as the use of a cost benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis (Holloway, 2015). The literature review above has already demonstrated the problems associated with failing to act, problems which are not only economically difficult, but also politically and socially unacceptable. Therefore some type of action has to be taken. By examining the results, it is apparent that the system needs continual updating, and that the existing approach is effectively….....

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