Life of Cesar Chavez. The Term Paper

Total Length: 1382 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Father Donald McDonnell spent many hours talking to Chavez about the plight of the migrant farm worker. They talked about strikes, lack of benefits, lack of appropriate shelter and poor pay (United Farm Workers).

It was at that time that Chavez began to study the works of Ghandi and the impact of non-violent protest (United Farm Workers).

When Chavez met another mentor, Frank Ross he agreed to become involved and organized something called the Community Service Organization - CSO. His first task was voter registration (United Farm Workers).

It was in 1962 that he focused on farm workers and founded the National Farm Workers Association. He later changed it to the United Farm Workers Association.

He had his brother design a logo and emblem and they chose the colors black and red to represent their organization (United Farm Workers)."

Initially, there were very few dues paying members in the UFW. However, he did not give up. Chavez continued to work toward the betterment of life for the migrant farm worker and to that end by 1970 the union group had negotiated a contract with grape growers that provided protection for those workers. Following that contract negotiation the UFW recruited more than 50,000 paying members which provided it with the financial clout to begin tackling more issues (United Farm Workers).

Chavez took the UFW and its cause on as a personal passion. Through the years he became known for fasting until he could get the powers that be to listen to his concerns and it worked. He also organized marches that went hundreds of miles and involved thousands of migrant workers to shine national attention on their plight.

Cesar knew that he could not make national changes on his own. He began to train workers and sent them to various states to recruit and lead other union members to victory using synchronized strikes and picket lines to force not only the farm owners to listen, but politicians as well (United Farm Workers).

Cesar was willing to sacrifice his own life so that the union would continue and that violence was not used. Cesar fasted many times. In 1968 Cesar went on a water only, 25 day fast. He repeated the fast in 1972 for 24 days, and again in 1988, this time for 36 days (United Farm Workers)."

When asked why he used this tactic he responded that he wanted to show the migrant worker changes could be forced without the use of violence (United Farm Workers).

Education and solidarity were the keys according to Chavez and he demonstrated his belief through personal non-violent protests including fasting (United Farm Workers).

In the 1980's Chavez found support in other leaders. Jesse Jackson fasted for three days in support of Chavez's cause and passed the fast to other public figures including Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, and Robert Kennedy's daughter, Kerry Kennedy (United Farm Workers).

His voice was not only heard, it was now being echoed by celebrities, politicians and public figures nationwide.

He died in his sleep on April 23, 1993 at a friend's home with several other union leaders (United Farm Workers).

More than 50,000 people from across the nation came to bid him farewell at his funeral (Chavez).

In 1994, Cesar's family and the officers of the UFW created the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation to inspire current and future generations by promoting the ideals of Cesar's life, work and vision (Cesar)."

Chavez is remembered as a hero, civil rights leader, Latino, farm worker and labor leader. He was also a spiritual leader and a crusader for non-violent change (American).

Recently the state of California declared March 31 an official holiday in the name of Cesar Chavez to promote community service in honor of the man who gave his life helping migrant workers get fair treatment (Day).


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