Liance Corporation: Online Sales Program Term Paper

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As opposed to quality assurance, quality control is meant to include those measures that are instituted for maintaining quality standards after the project has started. Foremost amongst these measures is the formation of the Project Quality Control Team. The purpose of the team is to monitor and document the information relevant to the process, such as logs of when the orders were processed, shipping logs of when the orders left the warehouse. The team is to answer directly to the Project Manager, but they are also provided an outside contact with higher management so that options are available if the Project Manager does not adequately handle problems as they arise. Quality control is also monitored thourhg the use of quality checklists that are derived directly from the project's quality goals. These checklists rpovide for documentation that can be studied in order to properly examine quality issues. For the Topliance project, this checklist can be a list of simple questions that directly relate to the quality goals: Was the order processed within twenty-four hours? Was the order shipped within forty-eight hours? Was the order delivered to the proper address? Was the order correct (make and model number)? How does the customer rate Topliance's performace (from one (lowest) to five (highest))? This information will be checked by the quality control team, conclusions will be drawn from the data, and the findings will be submitted to the Project manager, who will then decide what action or actions need to be taken, if any.

The Risk Management Plan begins with risk identification. Risks are those things that are foreseen as possible problems that could affect the outcome of a project.

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The first step in risk identification for the Topliance project will be to have a "brainstorming" session that involves the employees who will be working on the project. Some of the risks that could come up include: insufficient manpower to handle the increase in sales volume, dmage to the product during shipping, and lost or incorrect orders. In addition, the sales staff could be inadequately trained to handle the nuances of internet sales. IN order to plan for these risks the company must have contingency plans in place to handle these problems, if and when they should occur. Contingecny plans for the risks mentioned already include hiring or training new staff to meet the increased demand, investigate the reliablility of the compnay responsible for shipping the order (such as UPS or DHL), taking out insurance on the shipped products in case damage occurs during transport, and preparing the customer service staff with the proper tools and methods to handle problems that come with lost or incorrect orders.

Both plans fulfill necessary functions in the profitability of the project. The Quality Management Plan sets out the specific quality oriented goals of the project, as well as actions that can be taken or implemented to ensure the quality standards both before and after the project has launched. The Risk Management Plan is imperative because it predicts potential problems and presents the staff with a list of acceptable options in dealing with those problems......

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