Letter of Exemption Term Paper

Total Length: 404 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

benefited greatly from the time I have spent at this university, and greatly appreciate the accommodations made to me as a transfer student already, I would like to request that I be additionally exempted from the following three courses:

Market Research

International Marketing

New Venture and Small Business Management

I am a former student at Humber College. As will be clear from the attached transcript, as a student at Humber College, I took the following courses. These courses virtually identical in their content and syllabus to the classes I am asking to be exempt form above.

10 Market Research (Grade: A+ - 97)

Marketing 470 International Marketing (Grade: A+ - 91)

Marketing 415 Starting a New Business (Grade: A - 88)

The university has already graciously accepted other courses I took previously to my entrance in the university however, I believe, upon perusing the outline of the above courses and the official Huber College transcript that verifies that I did indeed take these courses, the university will agree that it would redundant for me as a student to take these courses again, and only result in additional financial expenses to myself and a.....

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