Legalization of Prostitution Many Believe Term Paper

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According to research reported in the May 2003 issue of the Michigan Law Review, "ifeminists view the choice to become a prostitute in the same way as the choice to undertake any other profession, while the radical feminists' theories focus on men's dominance and women's victimization" (Warnick Pp). Authors Jean Almodova and Martha Nussbaum advocate legalizing prostitution because, "like abortion, prostitution involves a woman's decision about what she will and will not do with her own body," and at root, "that decision is a choice and it should be the woman's choice, not the government's" (Warnick Pp).

The futile fight against prostitution is a major drain on local law-enforcement resources and locking up prostitutes and their customers is especially irrational at a time when more than half the states are under court orders to reduce prison overcrowding (Bovard Pp). Gerald Arenberg, executive director of the National Association of the Chiefs of Police, advocates legalizing prostitution, as does Dennis Martin, president of the same association, who declared that prostitution law enforcement is "much too time-consuming, and police forces are short-staffed" (Bovard Pp).

Furthermore, reforming prostitution laws acts to safeguard public health because regulated prostitutes "tend to be cleaner prostitutes" (Bovard Pp). Among the nation's streetwalkers, HIV-infection rates are stratospheric, such as in Newark where 57% of prostitutes were found to be HIV positive, and in New York City, 35% of prostitutes were HIV positive, and 50% in Washington (Bovard Pp). In Nevada, where in twelve rural counties prostitution is legal, a study on public health conducted by the University of California at Berkeley found that of the legal Nevada brothel workers, none tested for AIDS, compared to six percent of the unregulated streetwalkers (Bovard Pp). Nevada brothel owners have a strong incentive to police the health of their employees because they could face liability if an infection is passed to a customer (Bovard Pp).

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The issue should not be whether prostitution is immoral, but whether police suppression of prostitution make society a safer place (Bovard Pp).

The ultimate question to ask is how many murders are occurring while police are chasing after two people engaging in consensual sex for the exchange of money (Bovard Pp). Vices after all are not crimes, and despite centuries of attempts to suppress prostitution, it continues to flourish (Bovard Pp). Although prostitution may be immoral, that is no reason for it to be illegal and waste time and money trying to suppress the oldest profession (Bovard Pp).


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