Leadership at Windber a Study Case Study

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Of course, Jacobs would have to be a mature leader, as he most likely has adapted his style to make the organization successful. On the scale, however, he could also be qualified as an S2 individual, especially in the earlier stages of the project, who gave high directive and high support to his employees. Furthermore, from the specifics given in the case study, it is clear that Jacobs would be a selling leader and/or a participating leader, due to the various stages of the project. Because of his status, Jacobs could not be a low relationship leader and thus does not qualify as telling or delegating.

According to the table developed by Fiedler on the least preferred co-worker (rendered below), Jacobs would most likely have an effective leader quality, rather than leader position of power.

Thus, he would have good leader-member relations, may be unstructured, but would certainly score highly on the most effective leader column. However, the least-preferred co-worker scale also shows high and low motivation hierarchies. In terms of these, high-LPC leaders are motivated from relationships, and given Jacobs necessity to speak to people in the hospital and in the neighborhood in order to get attention and success, he would most likely be at a high-LPC level.

Lastly, with regards to the third question, the overall situational favorability for Jacobs based on the success of Windber, one could venture to say that this would score quite highly as well, for nobody can be critical of a leaders who has achieved such high success so quickly. He would score high, especially with regards to task structure, member relations and position of power. He would most likely score at a high structured power position due to the fact that his member relations are on the "good" side of the graph.

The case study to which this paper gives reference was attached by the customer.

Situational Leadership Model (Blanchard). (2011). Retrieved October 14, from .

Information and table taken from: Fiedler's Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) Theory. (2011). Changingminds.org. Retrieved October 14, from .

Graphs were referenced from documents attached by the customer......

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