Leadership and Organizational Success Essay

Total Length: 681 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Leadership Traits

According to Henry Fayol's (1841-1925) theory of management, leadership should possess an array of personal attributes that creates a positive environment for work and empower each employee. Notably, the theory encourages the managers and leaders in the enterprise world to promote employee independence, bestow responsibility and authority to junior staff in order to enhance their professional growth and responsibility (Morden 2004). Sadly, some leaders possess traits that are improper, discourage employee independence, and are a gross abuse of power.

Some of the undesirable leadership traits include dictatorial leaders, anti-social tendencies, non-cooperative, poor communicator and egocentric among many others. In the wake of modern business management, employee motivation is derived from the ability to perform activities on their own (Deming & Orsini 2013). They value independence and authority, with dictatorial leaders and management style, employees feels, threatened, intimidated, and often work to impress the bosses. Certainly, through dictating what, when and how the employees should undertake their responsibilities is undesirable because it kills independence, innovation and creativity elements of an employee and the business always end-up losing on exploiting their full potential.

Secondly, some bosses are loners and socially detached from the rest of the employees. In a state where the boss is out of touch with employees, it implies that there is poor coordination of work, and most, unfortunately, the boss is not aware of the challenges the employees encounter in the course of their duties. When bosses become a lone ranger, they miss out on several aspects of the job. First, they remain in the dark on matters pertaining to job motivation, employees' grievances on the pay and condition of work and often-massive resignation can ensue without their prior knowledge (Morden 2004).

In addition, non-communicative bosses discourage monitoring, evaluation and feedback from employees on issues pertaining to job. Morden (2004) states that through effective formal channels of communication, the employee gets motivated by tenfold. In addition, it promotes cooperation from employees, enhances their rapport with bosses, and enables them to identify with the business goals and objectives.….....

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