Leader You: Self-Assessment / Johari Window the Essay

Total Length: 933 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Leader You: Self-Assessment / Johari Window the Johari Window emphasizes aware . Others things unwilling admit. One improve personal relationships increase . The (2) behaviors key improving personal professional relationships: •Openness Feedback -- recognize things aware accept information provide.


I see myself as an individual who is unhesitant about getting actively involved in activities that are innovative but that I consider beneficial for me and for the team as a whole. As a manager I've learnt that decision making is an essential step in assisting the community experience progress and I thus feel that it is always important for me to be prepared to make right decisions, regardless of the gravity of a situation. By being well-acquainted with strategies I can use in critical conditions I consider that I am better trained to deal with situations that others might interpret as having no solution whatsoever.

My life experiences shaped my personality and made it possible for me to acknowledge that the future is going to be filled with surprises in spite of the fact that I go through great efforts in order to make sure that I am familiarized with at least some of the aspects concerning my future. The fact that I am likely to detect a problem in its incipient phase provides me with the opportunity to avoid falling victim to diverse issues and to be more certain that I can effectively respond to demanding situations.

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I do not act on account of impulses in spite of the fact that I believe that I have a natural instinct to involve most of my resources in dealing with difficult conditions. I prefer to perform a thorough analysis of a situation before I act and I know that, in spite of the fact that I am likely to lose important time during this process, I am more likely to benefit in the long run because I avoid coming across unanticipated problems. By being prepared to deal with stressing situations and by being ready to get actively involved in doing everything in my power in order to overturn a problem so as for me and for the team to profit from the exploit I believe that I am likely to be successful in most enterprises. Even with the fact that I and my group are also going to experience difficulties, the fact that we are prepared to deal with the matter makes it possible for us to experience as little problems as possible when considering the overall condition we are in.

Deadlines are not a problem for me and I actually consider that it would be important for any project to have a deadline, as imposing a time limit is in most cases an important step in encouraging both yourself and the team as….....

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