Lawyer by Johnson & Duffett Research Proposal

Total Length: 985 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The last two findings justified the need for these things to ensure the safety of the children. It was mentioned in the article that while "the ramifications of the 'legalization' of education are distasteful and sometimes disturbing," nevertheless "lawsuits and procedures are the price [to be paid] for protecting children" and that they are willing to pay this price rather than risk the safety and well-being of their students. Children are building blocks of our future. This is why I personally believe that children must be nurtured and protected at all costs. Hence, I think that the profession of teaching is one of the most noble and important professions in this world albeit one that can oftentimes be too sensitive.

According to a study by Jonah E. Rockoff, "school administrators, parents and students themselves widely support the notion that teacher quality is vital to student achievement" (Rockoff, 2004). By experience, the overall well-being of a student is largely affected by the teachers, as well. Sadly, some teachers bully their students to provoke a reaction through public humiliation, justifying that this is a form of motivation. This carries out profound effect on the child in the form of confusion, anger, fear and self-doubt among other things (McEvoy, 2005).

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Thus, it is only fitting that certain measures be taken to regulate and control teachers' behaviors to filter out those that are abusive of their powerful positions in the schools. In my opinion, educators must realize that being the center of scrutiny is a small price to pay if we want our future leaders to be fit and well-prepared.

Another research by Public Agenda showed that most parents "worry more about protecting their child from negative social influences than they do about paying the bills or having enough family time together" (Farkas et al., 2002). American culture today holds so much bad temptations such as sexual promiscuity, drug abuse and materialism, among others. No one can blame parents for resorting to extreme ways to protect their child. Due to this, an effort to cultivate a homely atmosphere in school while staying within the boundaries set by the law must be taken on by the educators, no matter how hard that may be, to relieve this concern. After all, both parents and educators are aiming for the same thing, which is for the children to grow up in an environment free from all malice and abuse......

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