Knowledge Management the Specific Benefit Term Paper

Total Length: 1527 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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..A third is to treat every intervention into knowledge work as an experiment-with measures, a control group, clear hypotheses about the result and so forth. Nothing happens or changes unless a manager makes it happen.

The cultural factors affecting organizational change have almost certainly been undervalued, and cultural/behavioristic implementations have shown some benefits. But the cause-effect relationship between cultural strategy and business benefits is not clear, because we still can't make dependable predictions about systems as complex as knowledge-based business organizations.

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Positive results achieved by cultural/behavioristic strategies may not be sustainable, measurable, cumulative, or replicable, and employees thoroughly "Dilbertized" by yet another management strategy may roll their eyes. Time will tell......

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"Knowledge Management The Specific Benefit", 18 June 2005, Accessed.3 July. 2024,