Knowledge and Management Article Review

Total Length: 576 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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At first glance, the idea that an epistemological stance, a notion that is more associated with philosophy than with managerial pragmatism, can influence a management research problem seems out of the question. However, this is not the case: the researchers own views on knowledge and on approaches towards knowledge can obviously play a significant role in the way the research is conducted.

Gray (2009) is one of the theoreticians that goes into great detail to describe ways in which the choice of an epistemological perspective or stance influence the formulation of a management research problem. According to Gray, the relationship between the management research problem and the epistemological perspective is given by the research methodology, which, in turn, is affected by the "theoretical perspectives adopted by the researchers" (Gray, 2009).

In other words, Gray identifies a direct connection that starts with the epistemological perspective, leads to theory and theoretical perspectives, which affect the research methodology, which has an impact on the management research problem.
Certainly, one can embrace the argument that the epistemological stance, one's own beliefs, values and knowledge, will determine how the management research problem is not only formulated, but also approached. Depending on what one's stance is, one is likely to see a different approach to the management research problem.

Gray also summarizes this in a flow chart that describes the relationship between epistemology, theoretical perspectives, methodology and methods. For example, an objective epistemological approach could propose a positivist theoretical perspective for the management research question, leading to a choice for an experimental research, which will be undertaken through sampling, which will also involve a questionnaire of some kind and interviews with a group of selected individuals.

The work of Johnson and Duberley (2000)….....

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