King's Speech Favorite Movie 2010 Essay

Total Length: 716 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Lionel is not a great actor (as seen when he attempts to audition for a role as Shakespeare's Richard III) but he is a great teacher.

The budget of the King's Speech was relatively modest by lush Hollywood standards. Even after multiple Oscar wins, including Best Picture and Best Actor, its official website remains fairly stark as well, when compared with the websites of Hollywood mega-blockbusters. The main 'additional' feature the site offers is an actual recording of the historical King's real speech. However, much like Bertie himself, despite its financial odds the film was able to triumph. Despite one or two relatively sniffy reviews like the Times, most critics praised the film. Even Rolling Stone, which is usually no fan of period dramas, wrote: "Two men alone create an epic landscape of feeling in one of the very best movies of the year" (Travers 2010).

The King's Speech resonates as a film because it contains elements of comedy and tragedy -- comedy when Bertie is asked to swear as part of his speech therapy and tragedy when the real loneliness of his existence begins to seep out. The film is perhaps the first serious work of cinema to deal with the issue of stuttering and the debilitating impact it can have on a person's life. For people who have dealt with the issue, the film provides a role model and inspiration and for all viewers it is a powerful illustration of the fact that, by trying to change your own life, you often end up changing the lives of others for the better......

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