King Lear Acts I-Iii Although Thesis

Total Length: 375 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

Gloucester disinherits his legitimate son and Lear disinherits the daughter who shows the truest feeling regarding her love for him, even though she will not use fancy words to pretend she loves him more than she really feels. This is not because Reagan and Goneril are so clever -- Cordelia's suitors see her worth, even though she is disinherited, as does Lear's fool. Vanity causes Lear to be blind to the truth, and Gloucester is literally blinded because of his folly in supporting Edmund.

Sometimes it is said that young people do not live up to their responsibilities.
In Lear, it is the old who do not live up to their responsibilities -- Lear wants to behave like a foolish child, give up his right to rule, and simply enjoy himself at both daughter's expense. Gloucester, paranoid of being overthrown, turns against the son who loves him. In failing to show good judgment, the old create a society that is cruel to the good and the young, such as Cordelia and Edgar......

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