Katya Kabanova Is an Opera Research Proposal

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This is where Katya meets Boris in the garden for the first time and although she feels guilty, she admits that she does love Boris. The music during this act was more peaceful than the first act. The melody and harmony were a little more cheerful and at times, romantic. The orchestra played in such a way that the listener could close his eyes and imagine a garden on a spring day full of singing birds and beautiful flowers. The use of this type of music forced the listener to imagine the beauty of a new love and the excitement of doing something wrong and not fearing its consequences. The volume was moderate to soft and it created an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The purpose was to describe the beauty of the relationship that was forming between Katya and Boris

Finally, Act 3 also contained 2 separate scenes. This is where the climax of the opera took place. It is when Tikhon, Katya's husband returns and finds her missing at first. The music and words here portray a sense of confusion as he wonders where his wife is. It also sounded a little angry as he was also angry at her disappearance. Later in scene 2 of act 3, Katya confesses her adultery to her husband and mother-in-law and she actually names Boris as her partner. Tikhon really does not say much at this point, but Katya has a need to see Boris. When she does see him, he tells her that his uncle is sending him away and he will never see her again.

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She is devastated and decides to kill herself by throwing herself into the river. The volume and tone of the harmony and melody during this act are very loud and strong. The feelings of the characters in the opera are strongly displayed through the variation of the instrumentation of the orchestra. The opera ended on a sad note. The tone was quiet and sad as Katya laid dead.

Overall, I enjoyed this opera. It was full of excitement as the orchestra and the voices came together to create a sense of feeling. It was not necessary to watch the opera to get a full understanding of what was happening. The music was presented in a way that the listener could close his eyes and know exactly what was going on and what each character was feeling. The opera ended with a standing ovation as the audience was very pleased with the performance. I did think that it was a little hard to interpret at times because of the Russian names, but other than that, I really enjoyed this opera and I very highly recommend it.


The Lyric Opera of Chicago. Katya Kabanova. Retrieved December 14, 2009 from http://www.lyricopera.org/tickets/production.aspx?performanceNumber=9040

Katya Kabanova. Retrieved December 14, 2009 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A1%C5%A5a_Kabanov%C3%A1

Katya Kabanova. The Chicago Reader. Retrieved December 14, 2009 from http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/the-list-december-3-9-2009/Content?oid=1244938.....

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