Jury of Her Peers by Term Paper

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Wright to snap and take violent action. The sequence of events does not point to murder. The most she can be guilty of is "voluntary manslaughter" not murder. Recommendation: A suspended sentence.

Breaking the Law in Order to Do "Right"

Sometimes, it is difficult to know what to do in a certain situation. The law may say one thing, but circumstances make what is legal wrong from a moral point-of-view. I have never been personally faced with making a decision to do something illegal, but a close friend of my cousin did about three years ago. His mother had terminal cancer. She had had chemotherapy, but it didn't stop the tumor from metastasis. She was suffering horribly. I only visited her once with my cousin. Her tumor was huge and oozing at that time. I couldn't stand seeing her that way, and the smell was awful, like rotting flesh. Anyhow, she asked her son to get her enough medicine to end her life. He told her to wait and think it over, but she said she was afraid she would get to the point where she couldn't administer the medicine herself.
She might not be able to open the bottle or hold a glass of water to swallow the pills. And she didn't want him to help her that way -- she wanted to do it herself.

At first, he refused because it is illegal in our state to help anyone commit suicide. But she begged and continued to plead with him. Her agony was so terrible, finally, he got her a whole large bottle of oxycontin (heavy-duty pain pills). He put it on her bedside table beside her water. She thanked him and told him not to cry because soon her troubles would be over. They said good-bye. She took the pills and went to sleep and never woke up again. I guess what he did was illegal, but I don't blame him a bit. My cousin didn't either. I love my mother, and I know I couldn't bear to see her suffer like that. I would do the same for her under the same circumstances......

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