Juniper, Palomino, and Stargazer Project. This Email Essay

Total Length: 615 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Juniper, Palomino, and Stargazer project. This email will analyze some of the data associated with these projects. Each of the projects has a different level of risk associated with them that include a low risk project, a medium risk project, and a higher risk project. All three of these projects are feasible in regards to the financial returns that are projected to be gained from the individual projects.

Projected Cash Flows


Low Risk

Project Cost



Medium Risk

Project Cost



High Risk

Estimated Cost


All three projects offer the organization a profit and each of these projects are feasible from a financial standpoint. Therefore the decision about which project to implement is dependent upon the merits of each project individual relative to the other two. Part of this decision will be objective and consider the potential profits; however there will also be a subjective component as well. If the decision was made on a financial basis alone, then the Stargazer project would provide the greatest profitability estimate.

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However, the level of risks associated with the projects must also be considered in terms of the risk profile and strategic ambitions for the company.

The breakeven point for all three projects based on the projections of cash flows has been calculated to be greater than one year and less than two years. It is not surprising that the largest return is to be found on the project with the highest risk associated with it. Although the risk of completing this project on time is high there are other factors that make this project appealing. For example, the product life is forecasted to be 7 years for this product which could offer the company a sustained return on their investment. Additionally, the project has already been mostly funded and only a portion of….....

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