Jungle Fever Spike Lee's 1991 Movie Review

Total Length: 898 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Lee's motion picture is largely meant to put across the confusion present in some people's lives, as it is not necessarily meant to discuss race-related matters.

Lee's film brings reform into a world that is accustomed to respecting traditions when it comes to racial stereotypes. Through watching this film, people are likely to consider that race is not important when taking into account a relationship. Factors that would normally make people feel that they belong to separate worlds can actually make them consider that they need to stay together. Lee's version of interracial relationships makes it possible for viewers to comprehend that two people can strengthen their relationship as a consequence of having society impose its discriminatory attitudes on them. At the point where their families reject them, Flipper and Angela decide to move together hoping that this would put an end to their problems and considering that it is best for them to focus on those who care for them instead of allowing themselves to be negatively influenced by their families. These two practically feel that the best solution to their problems is to act in disagreement with society's norms. In their attempt to find their personal identity, they try to do anything in their power in order to continue their journey through luminal space.
Even though they come across several situations where they are made uncomfortable, they feel that they have to go on.

As Flipper and Angela go deeper into their relationship, they come across conditions that make it possible for them to understand where they are wrong. Through abandoning their previous lives, the two discover that things are not exactly as they hoped they would be. It is not necessarily that this happens because they belong to two different racial groups, as it happens because their relationship is shallow. They did not concentrate on finding out more regarding the person that they were about to live with and they paid the price for this. It is actually very probable that they did this because they felt that questioning the other's personality would be a sign of discrimination. In addition to having people feel that it is normal for them to employ prejudice in dealing with other individuals, society also influences them in refraining from discriminating others. It is thus difficult for someone to know what position to adopt when dealing with an individual belonging to a particular group. Things that seem disturbing for some might be considered attractive by others.


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