Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980) Few Term Paper

Total Length: 1921 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The organization emphasized strong ties among third world countries and neutrality in relations with the U.S. And the Soviet Union. ("Josip Broz Tito," n.d.) Domestically, Tito introduced a system of decentralized economy, which encouraged workers' self-management. He tackled the strong nationalistic fissures in the country by creating a system of "symmetrical federalism" that ensured 'equality' among the six Yugoslav republics and the two autonomous provinces.

In the end, it is difficult to speculate how different the world would have been if the man called Tito had never lived. It is true that his country of disparate nationalities, which Tito had held together with sheer will and the force of his personality for 35 years, unraveled quickly after his death.
But to hold him responsible for the break-up of his beloved country and the tragic events which occurred during the ethnic strife in the Balkans would be doing injustice to the man. A history of centuries of animosities and mutual hatred could not be washed away by even a man of Tito's considerable abilities during a single lifetime. All we can say with certainty is that Josip Broz, aka, Marshall Tito was one of the most remarkable persons of the twentieth century. He was, however, no prophet or God like Muhammad, Jesus or Buddha. His influence on history was profound but of a fleeting nature......

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