Jonah Sachs and Marketing in Essay

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but, if we buy Product X, then all our problems seemingly evaporate overnight. Instead of this outmoded way of thinking, though, Sachs tells us that the way we can overcome objections and really get the message through to a consumer base that must turn off most advertising or go mad with the message is to use a concept called: Freaks Cheats and Familiars (Sachs, Winning, p. 108).

Freaks are characters who play off the human concept of focusing on certain other humans -- the most unusual humans we can find in our environment (Like trench coated animals, Moopheus and Leo the pig ala Morpheus and Neo-from the Matrix) (Sachs, pp. Winning, 183-4). Cheats are characters who challenge social norms -- the break the rules. We wonder if they will succeed or be punished (e.g. Ferris Buhler or Neo-trying to change a society run by machines) (Sachs, Winning, p. 183). Finally, Familiars are people or concepts to whom we can easily relate. Because we want to relate, this becomes powerful both consciously and subconsciously. For instance, the idea behind the Man Your Man Could Smell Like helps us relate to perspiration, to wanting to be sexy, and even to the idea of using scent as an aphrodisiac (Sachs, Winning, p. 195).

More than anything else, Sachs correctly tells marketing professionals to stop lying -- tell the truth, and be real.
Consumers are literally sick of hearing that Product Z. is the most perfect product on the market, unlike anything ever invented and will literally change the entire global culture -- if you will just buy it. If something is better, say like the 1984 Commercial for Macintosh, then tell that story, make it human and relevant -- then it will reach the audience.


Haythornthwaite, C. (2005). Social Networks and Internet Connectivity Effects. Information Communication and Society, 8(2), 125-47.

Kaplan, a., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media. Retrieved from Ideas:

Sachs, J. (2012). Empowerment Marketing: Advertising to Humans as More than Just Selfish

Machines. Fast Company. Retrieved from:


____. (2012) Winning the Story Wars. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press......

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