Jomini Is Considered As Being Essay

Total Length: 1892 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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As it has been said by David Chandler, "the airy Kantian generalization of Clausewitz has held on for quite some time now." Another reason can be the fact that in a world that seems to have freed itself from the fundamental ideological conflicts and in a period in which there are some who seriously think and hope that the history has come to an end, the strife-driven world view of Clausewitz probably seems to be less important.


As an off shoot of the era of enlightenment, Jomini inclined towards natural laws to manage the control warfare. He developed an extremely geometrical as well as scientific methodology to modern warfare. In addition, he focused on the value of awareness, the principle of inner lines, as well as the intimate link amid combat and logistics.
Inner lines are those assumed by one force to defend against the hostile forces.

On the contrary, according to Clausewitz War can be classified as neither science nor art. it, however, has always been a furtherance of either policy or politics by additional means. War, according to Clausewitz, is a kind of social interaction or a wrestling contest. It can also be classified as an act of strength to force the other side to submit to one's will. However, war cannot be unilateral. It has to be a contest amid two autonomous wills......

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