John Watson and His Contributions Research Paper

Total Length: 1690 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Watson really created the field of behavioral psychology with his speech and his first book, and while it refined over the years with input from others, such as B.F. Skinner, it is essentially based on Watson's original ideas and studies, so he is the father of this type of psychology. His personal life derailed his career (the woman he had an affair with while he worked at Johns Hopkins was his lab assistant.) They later wrote a book together, and they conducted the Little Albert study together. He married her, but they divorced after having two children together. If his personal life had not interfered with his studies and work, he might have created even more foundations for behavioral psychology to build on. Before his problems, he was a respected member of the psychological community, and even became president of the American Psychological Association in 1915. His work was very influential on other psychologists, and it created a new interest in scientific psychological approaches to mental illness, personality disorders, and other areas of psychology.

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In conclusion, John B. Watson was one of the most historical figures in American psychology, and he helped invent an entirely new way of looking at behavior and altering it. Watson's method is based on observed behaviors and how we learn those behaviors, rather than the interior personality, so it is easier to understand and make assessments about patients. Behavior analysis is still used throughout psychology today, and this grew out of Watson's ideas, too. Behavioral psychology rose in popularity until the mid-twentieth century and interest then died out, but it is still used in many practices today, and it allows people to modify their behaviors using Watson's pioneering techniques......

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