John Muir and the Sierra Term Paper

Total Length: 799 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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As the author noted, Muir did not encounter 'truly environmental' problems such as air, water, land, and noise pollutions and global warming, among others. Thus, at present, Muir's idea of preservation is no longer relevant in a society wherein preservation is no longer the main concern, but merely the survival or maintaining of ecological balance between humanity and nature. However, Muir's preservationist stance is still significant in promoting environmentalism in the country, which, as the Sierra Club had shown, can take an active role in achieving Muir's vision of a harmonious relationship between nature and humanity.

Indeed, the Sierra Club takes environmentalism not only out on the streets, but in the legislative processes as well. The organization is well-known is known for its active and radical stance when it comes to nature preservation and pollution prevention programs. It works with civil society, manufacturing and business companies, as well as the Congress in order to promote their objective of protecting and preserving the environment.

An example of Sierra Club's cooperation and active stance towards safeguarding the safety of the environment and humanity's physical surroundings, the organization had reached an agreement with car manufacturer Ford Motor Company in promoting the company's "first hybrid electric vehicle" (NY Times, 2005).
This hybrid electric vehicle, the Mercury Mariner sport utility vehicle, is supported by the Sierra Club for its contribution to lessening fuel consumption. The environmentalist group took an active role in educating the consumers on the relationship between the product and environmentalism, and also taught them "how to drive hybrids."

Another example of the Sierra Club's active role in the environmentalist scene of today's American society is its presence in the legislation process of the country, as they lobbied against the passing of bills that they deem crucial and potentially destructive to the environment. The most recent lobby that Sierra Club participated in was its protest against the Salvage Logging bill, whose main proponent is Rep. Greg Walden (December 2005), a bill that threatens the provision of clean water for the citizens and the safety of wildlife present in logging areas cited and proposed by the representative......

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