John Mearsheimer's "Structural Realism" Is Journal

Total Length: 660 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Aside from distinguishing between classical realists and neorealists, Mearsheimer also distinguishes between other types of realism. He discusses several extensions of structural realism and realists who champion different viewpoints. For instance, the author claims that offensive realists utilize the structure of their states in order to encourage conflict internationally (between states) in order to maximize the amount of power, and the resulting hegemony they can obtain (Mearsheimer 72). Defensive realists largely take the opposite approach, and implement structural regulations and accommodations to circumscribe the amount of power a state obtains, presenting a severe limitation to any international ambitions (Mearsheimer 72). Most contemporary realists, however, choose to focus on individual interests of the state. This notion is in opposition to the stance of classical realists on this issue, which prefer to use the pursuit of justice as one to reinforce notions of community as the principle means by which the state is governed.

Mearsheimer's theory directly correlates to the historic and the contemporary relationship between the United States and Russia.

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When the former of these countries was known as the Soviet Union, it attempted to preserve a strong sense of community based on economic principles (capitalism) that directly conflicted with the strong sense of community based on economic principles fostered by the U.S., capitalism, resulting in a security dilemma for both (Mearsheimer 75). Russia's propensity to expand this community throughout the surrounding war can be attributed to the classical realist notion that there is no chief distinction between domestic and international politics. Both countries believed that expanding their sense of community and security involved counteracting that of the other (Mearsheimer 77), which led to the Cold War (which was scalding in certain parts of the world). After the Soviet Union eventually collapsed, it was very interesting how religion, which was widely suppressed during the Communist regime, reasserted itself to restore traditional values to the country.


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