John Locke Was Born in Term Paper

Total Length: 1540 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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On the other hand, he suggested that the executive branch was responsible for insuring that the laws are actually obeyed and that it should operate continuously in society. His idea of a legislative body was one of a representative assembly, which would retain and exercise supreme power whenever it assembled. Its members would speak jointly for all people in that society. The executive and federative functions derived wholly from the legislative branch. In emergency situations when the legislature could not convene, the executive branch should exercise its prerogatives, although there could be abuses to such prerogatives.
Locke perceived that abuse of power would unduly interfere with the property interests of the governed, who could then protect themselves by withdrawing their consent. This could be in the form of rebellion or revolution, with the end-view of restoring their fundamental rights. Since the existence of civil order or social contract rests on the consent of the governed, they could also withdraw it. Locke, then, saw that a revolution would be a permanent feature of any property-formed civil society (Kemerling)......

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