Jobs Are Scarce. The Dollar Case Study

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Total Sources: 3

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Second, as public sector employees, it appears that merit and character have little impact on the process. Throughout the aforementioned case, the character of the employee (a long time worker, a retired Veteran) did not matter in the case. What did matter were the process and the adherence to Article 16.

This is not to suggest that labor relations in the private sector are better. Indeed, it can seem to some employees, particularly those working in low wage jobs, there are little job security and little opportunity for help and support when problems arise. As stated previously, with the unemployment rate in the double digits, employees must be careful to keep existing jobs. One should be careful in his or her behavior on and off the job.

Private sector employees are just as likely to be held accountable for their actions outside of work. Most companies, large and small, do not want bad press. Therefore, when an employee is charged or indicted for a crime, it could be grounds for dismissal. In such cases, for non-union employees, there is verily little he or she can do to rectify the situation. No grievances can be filed, as there is no union to represent the fired employee.
When one is fired, under the umbrella of just cause, there is little recourse.

One advantage for private sector employees is the fact that there is less likely a chance that their private behavior can and will impact gainful employment. Because one works for a private company, he or she is not a representative of the company after hours, as is the case of the fired Postal Worker. In other words, he or she can leave their job at the office, rather than worry about how their behavior can and will impact them at a later date.


While there is no one overarching rule to guide an employee's behavior, obviously illegal activity will not be tolerated on the job. Moreover, illegal activity, or the implication or accusation thereof, can affect gainful employment, as was the case of the fired Postal Worker. The takeaway is this, one must be careful, ethical and law abiding at all times. In today's competitive market, it makes good business sense to be over cautious. It is better to behave in a conservative manner both on and off the job, rather than to be filled with hubris.


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